Membership is open to anyone with an interest in the Dudley No.2 Canal. Note that membership is a requirement for a permanent mooring in the Basin.
A paid up member is entitled to:
* Vote at Annual General and Extra-ordinary Meetings/p
* Receive the Trust's journal 'Interchange'
* The use of the facilities at Hawne Basin
* Affilliated membership to the AWCC (membership card available from the Mooring Office)
To become a member please download and read the Rules & Regulations and complete the Membership Application Form and GDPR Form. Optionally also please complete a Gift Aid Form if eligible.
These documents/forms are downloadable from the Documents Page.
Having completed the relevant form(s) please send them with the appropriate payment to the address on the Membership Application form. You can pay membership fees by standing order, and if you would prefer to pay this way please contact us for a form.
Do please note the following extracts from the Memorandum of Incorporation:-
" 7. Guarantee Every member promises, if the Trust is dissolved while he, she or it remains a member or within 12 months afterwards, to pay up to £1 towards the costs of dissolution and the liabilities incurred by the Trust while the contributor was a member 8. Dissolution 8.1 If the Trust is dissolved the assets (if any) remaining after provision has been made for all its liabilities must be applied in one or more of the following ways: 8.1.1 by transfer to one or more other bodies established for exclusively charitable purposes having objects within, the same as or similar to the Objects 8.1.2 directly for the Objects or charitable purposes within or similar to the Objects 8.1.3 in such other manner consistent with charitable status as the (Charities) Commission approve in writing in advance".